Cervical Epidural Injections at Lysander Pain Care

Discover the benefits of cervical epidural injections at Lysander Pain Care. Learn about our advanced injection therapy to alleviate neck pain and improve mobility.


Cervical epidural injections are a minimally invasive procedure designed to alleviate neck pain caused by irritated or inflamed spinal nerves. At Lysander Pain Care, our experienced team uses this technique to provide significant pain relief, enabling patients to engage in rehabilitation exercises and improve their quality of life.

How Cervical Epidural Injections Work

During the procedure, an anti-inflammatory medication is injected into the epidural space around the spinal nerves in the neck. This injection helps reduce nerve irritation and inflammation by coating the affected nerves, thereby decreasing swelling and pressure. The primary goal is to provide temporary pain relief and facilitate the healing process over time.

Conditions Treated

Cervical epidural injections can effectively manage a variety of conditions, including:

  • Herniated Discs: Reducing pain and inflammation caused by disc material pressing on spinal nerves.
  • Spinal Stenosis: Alleviating discomfort from narrowed spaces in the spine that compress nerves.
  • Degenerative Disc Disease: Managing chronic pain from wear and tear on spinal discs.
  • Spondylosis: Addressing pain related to age-related wear and tear affecting the spinal discs.
  • Radiculopathy: Treating radiating pain caused by pinched or irritated nerves in the cervical spine.

Preparation for the Procedure

Proper preparation is essential for the success of the procedure:

  • Pre-Procedure Tests: Basic blood tests and imaging (X-ray and MRI) to identify the correct injection site.
  • Fasting: Patients may need to fast for 4-6 hours before the procedure.
  • Medication Adjustment: Adjustments to diabetic drugs, anti-hypertensives, and blood thinners as advised by the physician.

Procedure Steps and Duration

The entire process typically takes about 30 minutes:

  1. Arrival: Arrive at the clinic two hours prior to the scheduled procedure time.
  2. Pre-Procedure Setup: Change into a medical gown and lie on the belly.
  3. Cleansing: The neck area is thoroughly cleansed to minimize infection risk.
  4. Local Anesthesia: Administered to numb the injection site.
  5. Imaging Guidance: The procedure is performed under fluoroscopy to ensure accuracy.
  6. Injection: The anti-inflammatory medication is injected into the epidural space.
  7. Observation: Patients stay for a two-hour observation post-procedure to monitor for immediate complications.

Post-Procedure Expectations

After the injection, patients might experience some discomfort at the needle insertion site for a few hours. Pain relief usually begins within three to seven days and can last for several months or longer.


Cervical epidural injections offer numerous benefits:

  • Significant Pain Relief: Reduces pain within days of the injection.
  • Enhanced Rehabilitation Participation: Facilitates effective participation in rehabilitation exercises.
  • Potential Surgery Alternative: May reduce the need for surgical interventions for pain management.

Risks and Complications

While generally safe, cervical epidural injections carry potential risks and complications:

  • Temporary Lightheadedness: A mild side effect that usually resolves quickly.
  • Headache: Possible due to spinal fluid leakage.
  • Infection: Risk of infection at the injection site.
  • Bleeding: Potential bleeding if a blood vessel is damaged.
  • Nerve Damage: Risk of damage to the nerves at the injection site.
  • Rare Complications: Long-term issues such as permanent neurological deficits, chronic pain, and paralysis from hematoma formation.

Effectiveness and Duration

Approximately 60-80% of patients experience significant pain relief, which enables them to actively participate in rehabilitation and improve spine health. However, not all patients experience substantial relief, particularly those who may require surgical intervention.


If partial pain relief is achieved, the injections can be repeated, though they are generally limited to 2-3 times per year to avoid potential side effects from frequent steroid use.

Follow-Up Care

Patients should schedule a follow-up appointment with their doctor 24-48 hours after the procedure. Immediate consultation is required if symptoms such as headache, dizziness, blurred vision, or fever occur.

Contact Lysander Pain Care

For more information or to schedule a consultation, please contact Lysander Pain Care. Our specialists are here to provide compassionate and effective care tailored to your needs.

Take the first step towards pain relief today with Lysander Pain Care. We’re dedicated to supporting you every step of the way.

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